Dr. Sylvie Hudan
Manager shudan@iu.edu, A414
Sylvie Hudan has been in EIS since 2014 as Manager. She has a BS in Instrumentation Engineering from ISMRa (France), an MS and a PhD in Nuclear Physics from Université of Caen (France). She joined the Nuclear Chemistry group in 2002. Her background with detection techniques, data acquisition and data analysis are applied to a broad range of projects. As a scientist, she also brings organization and project management skills.

Mr. Andy Alexander
Electronics Engineer aalexand@iu.edu, A412
Andy Alexander has been with EIS since 1987 as an engineer. He designs electronic circuits for ion deflection, electroosmotic flow, electrochemistry, ion detection, and nuclear chemistry. He does layout of printed circuit boards for complex designs or anode patterns. He can also help you with repairs to instruments such as Spectrophotometers, Mass Specs, power supplies, and other complex instrumentation. Come and talk to him about your noise, grounding, system design, and other instrument problems.

Mr. Nick Hargus
Electronics Engineer nihargus@iu.edu, A410
Nick Hargus has been with EIS since the spring of 2022 as an engineer. He has a BS in Electrical Engineering from Valparaiso University. He takes particular interest in microcontrollers, FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array), digital signal processing and reverse engineering. While at IU, his work has dealt with developing user interfaces and programming microcontrollers. He can help you with your software and programming questions.

Mr. Aaron Klaustermeier
Electronics Engineer aajaklau@iu.edu, A408
Aaron Klaustermeier has been with EIS since the Summer of 2022 as an engineer. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, where he also completed a minor in Electrical Engineering and a concentration in Aerospace engineering. He can help you with any questions related to mechanical design, build, or theory. If you have slow control or interlock needs, Aaron can help you.

Ms. Rose Burchfield
Electronics Technician rburchfi@iu.edu, A407
Rose Burchfield has been with EIS since 2001 as a technician. She has an AAS in Electronics from IvyTech. She mastered prototype construction, surface mount soldering and cable making. She also repairs a wide range of instruments. She teaches technical skills, in particular to students. She is here to answer any questions you may have.
Electronic Instrument Services is located in A407 on the 4th floor of the Chemistry building.